Proposed Christmas catch-up 16 December 2023

Maree (who lives in Beacon Hill) is proposing a Co-owner catch up at her home for people in her vicinity.  Anyone wanting to register their interest please watch this space for further details.  We're still working on details for this event.

Zoom 18/12/23 7.00pm AEDT

Hi Events Team. zoom is on tonight link is lots to discuss! See you there!

Events & Kids Meeting


Hi FFH Évents family, looking forward to seeing you at the next zoom meeting tonight December 18 at 7.00pm AEDT Agenda items are •Sat Event at Maree’s •Event 20/21 Jan •Event team going forward •FFH website/calendar The link is only for 45 minutes so if you can get on right on 7 that would be […]

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