FFH – Party Weekend

FFH - Salea 2441 Salisbury Rd, Salisbury, NSW, Australia

Campers arrive and set up, helping with party set up and self catered dinner

FFH – Party Weekend

FFH - Salea 2441 Salisbury Rd, Salisbury, NSW, Australia

Morning hike to the viewing platform and party set up. 12:30 Party Begins

FFH – Party Weekend

FFH - Salea 2441 Salisbury Rd, Salisbury, NSW, Australia

8:30 am - Hike to the viewing platform 12:30 pm - Party begins, lunch is open 3:00 pm - Q&A with the Board 5:00 pm - Bon fire

FFH – Party Weekend

FFH - Salea 2441 Salisbury Rd, Salisbury, NSW, Australia

8:00 am - Women's Circle 9:00 am - Men's Circle Self catering day Clean up post party

Visions & Missions Workshop

FFH - Salea 2441 Salisbury Rd, Salisbury, NSW, Australia

You are invited! We are planning a face-to-face meeting at the farm on Saturday, 5 August 2023 to finalise the Hunter farm’s values and mission statement. A draft of these […]

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