Farm Event – Strategy Weekend

FFH - Salea 2441 Salisbury Rd, Salisbury, NSW, Australia

Andrew Zerner, the RCS consultant is coming back to the farm in January next year.  He will be talking to the Board and Co-owners on Sunday 21 January.  We are […]

Settlement of Hardview

FFH - Hardview 2246 Salisbury Road, Salisbury, NSW, Australia

Time to celebrate as Farm 2 has settled and now part of FFH.

EP Working Group Meeting


Online catchup to review safety at the recent working bees, review our vision for the group, plus start work on the next high priority risks for the farm.

Logistics Working Group Kick Off Meeting


Some discussion points for the first meeting: • Where are we now? Farm operating update • What role will this WG perform? How will it work with and support the […]

EP Rabbit Hole Meeting


As part of our Emergency Prep Risk Assessment discussions, it was decided that we need a group of people to monitor and advise of any govt proposals or other upcoming […]

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